Thursday, September 9, 2010

The sidewalk to no-where

Is it really only two weeks until the big walk?
Monday, I was out walking 12 miles. Normally, that would be a big thing, but lately it is kind of normal. Life is crazy!
I was strolling down a 4 foot wide sidewalk when I looked up to see this fence. End of the road. Not really, I took a picture, crossed the road and kept going. Who runs a large sidewalk into a dead end on a major road? There is always the unexpected and unexplored on these walks- love it.
It's easy for me to get caught up in my own training that I forget why I'm doing this. It is for the awareness and prevention of breast cancer. Long after the initial diagnosis, chemo, radiation is over there are still so many hurdles to go over, or like this fence, around.
This is a tough disease and one we hope to avoid, prevent and cure!
Thanks for all your support and happy walking,
Blue Sky Services

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