Work with Denise...

Denise Frakes
  Transformation Life & Space Coach

"There are two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle."
                                    Albert Einstein

Times are interesting, having a support system is essential.  

Personal/Life Coaching
Certified Transformational Life Coach
Coaching is a team event.  
As a coach, I don't change you, I help you re-discover what was there all along.
Home Support/ Coaching
Uncluttered, healthy, residue free 
I get it, homes can become our source of stress.  The gift of uncluttering is enriching. 
 I think of downsizing, simplifying and uncluttering as editing-
 removing the space and energy drainers.  
"Pare down to the essence, but don't remove the poetry." Leonard Koren Wabi Sabi

Online classes and presentations
Some ideas are meant to be shared in groups and gatherings.  I'm finding virtual meetings enable more of us to get together, connect without over burdening our lives.  They enrich and stay simply delicious. 
Some of my favorite conversations:  wabi sabi, spirit, cleaning, simplifying, practices, 
deep play/deep work

Residue Free Cleaning
And yes, after 30 years I still teach residue free cleaning.   Residue free cleaning is practical. It helps you minimize toxins, wasted time energy and stress.  

 Home care is a life long practice...mind this practice and it will reward your life.

Contact me

 this is where I hold my free classes, have conversations and create parties.

Why I became a coach...
When I was in high school and college, I ran. I always had coaches.  Max Marr- Gorden Fox, Forrest and many more.  When I worked with a coach, I was a better runner. I was also part of a team. I had support, I had more fun and I learned.  Sometimes I learned to be a better runner. 
Mostly I learned to be a better human being.  
I needed the reality check of others around help me move forward.  
To help me see what was hidden or unknown to me.
To hold me up and cheer me on when I was struggling and lost.
I am deeply grateful for all the coaches and wise souls who have supported me on my own path.  
This is why I became a do the same for you.

How Residue Free came about
Residue free is an accumulation of 30 years in business and 54 years of living.  When we first started our first cleaning company in 1991, the first thing we learned was how much of our work was just removing residues left behind.  We became experts in removing residues while not causing harm to ourselves, our clients, their surface and the environment.  I remember thinking...someone should teach this  stuff... it's so important...and so I did.

What started as residue free cleaning turned into a philosophy a life style of simplicity, joy and health.  Of being awake and staying curious.

Denise Frakes - Bio in a nutshell
26 years owner of restoration/professional Residue Free cleaning companies
Residue Free Lifestyle Blogger since 2009
Speaker and trainer 20+ years healthy homes, residue free living, clutter clearing, habits
Certified Transformational Life Coach- SLCTC
GBAC Certified- Foundational Course- with COVID-19 focus
Certified in Clutter and Space Clearing
Certified Healthy Home Specialist NEHA
Certified Master Energy EFT Practitioner
Certified Reiki Master
Denise Frakes 
         at your service

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