Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The 3-day event and pictures

Wow! That was an amazing journey. My whole summer has been about training, preparing, fund raising and "the walk". This weeked we finally did it and it was incredible. Thankfully, we were able to walk all 60 miles, camp in little pink tents at night and finish the weekend healthy, strong and happy. We got two tiny blisters - which are pretty much healed already and a bit of fatigue but overall we are incredibly lucky.

There is so much to tell, but for me it was about supporting my great friend. One year ago she was having her breast cancer surgery. This year she walked 60 miles and past the very hospital that surgery took place. She was always my inspiration. Along the way we meant so many incredible women and men. The volunteers who took care of us were angles!!! The supporters along the way were a gift. The whole journey was one I will never forget, one that touched my heart in a million places. But mostly I was in awe of my friend with her inner strenght and determination to do this walk. She walked in memory of her friend she lost to breast cancer one year ago.
Over 6 million dollars were raised to be used for research and community programs to help find a cure for breast cancer.
For all your prayers, words of encouragement, donations, and support I send you my thanks from the very bottom of my healthy and happy feet!!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The eve of the 60 mile walk

1 day before the walk, but who is counting? I am!! At the moment, it is pouring rain outside and I have a cold, not a great start!
My incredibly supportive and kind husband came home today with a rain coat- guaranteed for all weather!! If that isn't love, then I don't know what is.
Today, the walk may seem a bit dreary for me as I down lots of garlic, eat oranges and look out the window at one drenched street. No matter the start, there is an incredible amount of support for me. I can't tell you how this is going to go, I have never walked 60 miles in three days while sleeping in little pink tents. Nor have I done it with a cold in the rain. I am a rookie. I can tell you I feel surrounded by good wishes and kind thoughts.
For me, this journey has been about the support of my good friend who went through cancer this past year. I'm a little freaked out about the walk, imagine how she felt when she was diagnosed with cancer. She found a way to get through the fear, the treatments, the pain and the ongoing side effects. If she can walk this walk with a giant oven mitt on her arm to help her lymph drainage, I can muster enough strength to walk this walk with her.
This weekend there will be about 3000 people walking 60 miles, from Redmond to Everett and back to Seattle. Please keep us in your heart and prayers.
Thanks a million,

Monday, September 20, 2010

Relax it is only a little walk...

It is Monday morning and only 4 days until the start of the Susan G Komen 60 mile walk. Guessing the weather is like guessing how many hairs are on my cat. As we get ready and pack for the upcoming 60 mile walk, the weather is a major factor. So far in the last week it has called for clouds, sun, and rain. This weekend the forecast for the 3 day was rain, rain, rain. This morning it is looking like partly cloudy and sun! If I have a say in the matter, I pick partly cloudy and sun. I like walking in the rain, but 60 miles and then camping at night-in the rain???? I hope those little pink tents are waterproof!!
As the event gets closer I'm starting to feel a few butterflies. My sister has a theory: It is only when you feel butterflies in your stomach does it mean you are doing something big enough to have an impact on your life. Her theory is comforting.
Maybe if I put the walk into an different perspective it wont seem so daunting. In 4 days, I get to stroll around the NW on the first days of autumn, with a good friend. Along the trail there will be lots of kind strangers, all dressed in pink, who will feed, water and care for us. At night, we get to camp under the stars, surrounded by a few thousand friends and probably just as many port a potties!
Ok, that did make it seem like a fun outing!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The sidewalk to no-where

Is it really only two weeks until the big walk?
Monday, I was out walking 12 miles. Normally, that would be a big thing, but lately it is kind of normal. Life is crazy!
I was strolling down a 4 foot wide sidewalk when I looked up to see this fence. End of the road. Not really, I took a picture, crossed the road and kept going. Who runs a large sidewalk into a dead end on a major road? There is always the unexpected and unexplored on these walks- love it.
It's easy for me to get caught up in my own training that I forget why I'm doing this. It is for the awareness and prevention of breast cancer. Long after the initial diagnosis, chemo, radiation is over there are still so many hurdles to go over, or like this fence, around.
This is a tough disease and one we hope to avoid, prevent and cure!
Thanks for all your support and happy walking,
Blue Sky Services

Sunday, September 5, 2010


19 days and counting.....
Yesterday, my 8 mile walk felt more like 21 miles. It is easier to walk with someone than to walk alone. Don't get me wrong, I love my solitary walks and runs. Being quite gives me time to reflect, to think and just be. But when you are pressing yourself, past your comfort zone, having a companion makes the trip easier. If you are pressing yourself for a cause greater than yourself, that also helps.
Last night we watched the movie Invictus. If you haven't seen it, I'll give you a quick summary. It is based on the true story of South Africa, Nelson Mandela and their rugby team winning the world cup. To me it was the story of how a group of men were able to do more for a cause than they ever could have ever done for themselves.
Of course, I realize my walking 60 miles isn't exactly as big of an event as uniting of a country but still, for me, pretty big.
Invictus is a poem Nelson Mandela used to motivate and inspire himself while in prison. I have copy of the poem from the book : one hundred and one famous poems. Out of this book, my grandpa, Aunt Velma and mom have memorize poems. My mom gave me my own copy years ago. If you are interested here is the poem Invictus.
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.
In matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate;
I am the captain of my soul.
William Ernest Henley
( born August 23, 1849; died July 11, 1903)
If you get a chance, watch the movie it was a series of amazing events. Hope you enjoy,