25 days and counting down.....
This past Sunday we took the ferry to Anderson Island and walked 17 miles. The Friday prior, we walked 10. I figured the beginning of this week I would be less than peppy.
Yesterday, I mowed the lawn. Dallas reminded me my walk was going to be 3 days of solid walking, I might consider doing something physical on Monday. So I mowed the lawn. Within the first few steps I noticed something incredible... my legs felt fresh!!!!!!!
My upper body was a little tired but my legs felt great! This walk is more than just 60 miles, it is an act of discovery. Prior to walking this weekend I was diligent about being hydrated: water, ginger water, fruit, green drink and electrolytes. I've noticed when I'm fully hydrated my muscles don't hurt or ache. I'm definitely getting in better shape but I was amazed how healthy I felt yesterday. Today-still feeling good.
The walk on Anderson was beautiful, lots of fir trees, madrona trees and long hilly roads. Walking this far is not boring but relaxing - like a very slow road trip. It took us 6 hours to walk 17 miles. That is a good road trip.
Thanks for all your support!