Thursday, July 4, 2019

Summer bucket list... Do you have one?

Do you have a bucket list?  I didn't until this summer.
You all know I'm a huge fan of simplicity, clearing out clutter and stuck energy.  Over the past 10 plus years, what I've come to know for sure is uncluttering is only 1/2 the equation.  The other 1/2 comes in discovering and intentionally creating.

 Creating a life we thrive in, that delights our spirits.  A life we love.  A life that gives light to others.  Getting rid of our stuff unsticks our lives, clears our minds and revives our spirits.

Clutter Clearing is powerful work on all realms: spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally, financially and environmentally. Once we clear the way, our lives start to flow.  We gain energy. We can do more and share more of our natural gifts with others.

However,  if we only work, our internal kid will feel robbed.  Summer is a balance of both work and play.  We need to time to weed, unclutter, simplify and un-procrastinate our lives, and time to play, hang with friends, travel, explore and be free.

 Our inner 10 year old's are wise.  Yes, we should get a good project in and set the groundwork for the rest of the year.  And we should play, be free to do nothing and explore the summer- our own way.

This summer I challenge you to create a summer bucket of the simplest, most delightful activates your 10 year old you would pick.    Think less- spontaneous adventures you could do on an very tiny 10 year old allowance. Be creative!!!

 Denise's summer bucket list 2019 
1. eat a cheap hot dog- the soft ball park kind
2. have a tea party
3. go on a walking road trip through a town or city
4. listen to music, outside on a warm night with Dallas (my hubby)
5. sit around a camp fire
6. eat a new flavor of ice cream
7. sleep outside
8. have a party
9. go to the movies
10. go on a spontaneous and delightful adventure
11. sit still and shoot the breeze with family and friends, with absolutely no rush to clouds go by as we sit...maybe have tea... or a beer
12. play catch

Do this now:
   Get out a pen and paper and create your own bucket list.  There is no right or wrong here.  You can add to it as you get inspired.  Post it and start checking off.  Don't spend much time thinking, if something more delightful pops up- do it and then add it to your list.

Share your list with us below!   Or Click here and post your list to my Facebook page

 Join me this summer in my mastermind workshops.
As of this blog posting we have 5 more meetings. Next meeting is July 9th- click here for details

Master Mind Uncluttering and Delight Workshops
  1.  Get support, motivation to complete a project you need to do, such getting rid of your paper clutter, your stuffed closets, muddled boxes or cleaning our your unruly garage... one project done at a time with a team
  2.  Make your own summer bucket list start checking off your fun.  Ignite you spirit, cultivate simple delights

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