Monday, November 13, 2017

The Power of Decluttering your Food Before the Holidays

Evolve your Holidays...with a little decluttering.  Our family celebrates Thanksgiving on the second Sat of November.  Since I have already run through turkey day, I thought I would share the epiphanies I received along the way.

 Declutter and clean out your food first
     Normally I plan on cleaning out my pantry in January.  Smart right?  Always nice to start the new year all clean and happy....hmmm.  In the real world, I'm not energized to clean out my pantry in Jan. But highly motivated before company arrives.   This year I did an early declutter and cleaning before turkey day and it felt amazing.  If I do say so myself, that was a brilliant move!  

    Go for the busy spaces - you know, the ones you are forever adding to and removing from, are hotspots for clutter, disorganization and the occasional dust bunny.  Hello pantry, freezer and refrigerator!!!

4 epiphanies of early food decluttering...

       1.  It doesn't really take as long as you think it's going to.  The time and energy spent thinking about the task is what wears you out.

      2.  Cleaning out your food brings insight- be honest.  Are you really going to make homemade turkey broth from the turkey carcass?    Or are you going to do what I did... end up composting a one-year old frost bit turkey carcass from last year's Thanksgiving?  Saturday, I gave away the carcass to someone who will use it.  This year I also gave myself permission to do one less thing.

     3.  The boost of energy you will gain from having these spaces refreshed and clean will more than offset the time and energy needed.  Walking into a clean pantry makes me surprisingly happy.  All my little teas and spices looking bright, orderly and happily waiting to be used.  Happy is the opposite of stressed!

    4.  I was highly motivated to clean out my pantry before 20 people arrived.  I use this energy to propel me forward!  Knowing company is coming equals pure gold when it comes to housework.  A wee bit of fear of embarrassment is a powerful energizer. Honestly, I doubt if anyone in my family really cares much about my pantry.  But I feel better.  I'm more relaxed, less stressed and there will be less waste. 

The holidays bring stress…. decluttering reduces stress… less stress... happier holidays and a clear vision.  You deserve this!!  Happy holiday clean out to everyone.

Bonus idea... Store your herbs in the window.  When you get your herbs home, cut off about 1 inch and stick in a little jar of fresh water.  Keep your water fresh and you will have fresh herbs for food and decoration!  This tip comes from Nancy L!!!  ;-)

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