Thursday, February 23, 2012

Of chips and faith for 6 weeks

"Faith is the very first thing you should pack in a hope chest."-Sarah Ban Breathnach

This year I am observing Lent. I'm not catholic nor do I really have any reason to observe lent, yet somehow it seems so right. In college, my roommate and best friend observed lent. She would usually give up candy. She introduced lent to me via her yearly experiences.

I like the idea of changing how you view the world. We live day to day. Sometimes this day to day living gets rut like. We need to shake up our ruts, take off our blinders and open our eyes- or at least I do.

For Lent this year, I am giving up chips. I'm not a big chip eater but lately I find myself snacking away. If I'm going to snack with no thought- chips is my thoughtless snack food of choice. I can sit down to write, bag of chips full. I can stop writing, bag of chips empty??? For the next 6 weeks no chips, maybe more veggies, possibly eaten mindfully.

Besides chips, I am going to give up worrying, fretting, muddling over and stewing. My family has generations of formidable worriers. It is embedded in my bones and blood. But for 6 weeks I am going to try on a new habit on for size. I'm going to practice faith. I do understand this might be a little more difficult than giving up chips. I also realize the benefits of practicing faith far out way the benefits of not mindlessly eating chips.

How will I do this? Change a life pattern? Oh course, I will have to figure it out as I go. I've enlisted Dallas, my hubby, to give me gentle and predetermined reminders (an essential ingredient to a happy marriage:). I will use it as a practice knowing full well, I am human and should treat myself kindly. But don't you love the idea of practicing faith???

Think about it, when something you perceive as stressful comes into your life, instead of wigging out and filling your days and thoughts with worse case scenarios. Wouldn't if feel good to say "all will be well" and truly know all will be well? Living in Faith vs worry may be the ultimate in a residue free life!!!

As always, wishing you a happy and residue free home,
Denise Frakes
Co-owner of Blue Sky Services
Certified Healthy Home Specialist

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