Sunday, March 14, 2010

Healthy Families - Healthy Lawns - Healthy Homes

Spring has sprung! Flowers are starting to bloom, trees are budding out and my lawn need mowed. I love spring, it makes me want to go back outside and dig in the dirt.
This is also the season to add extra TLC to your lawn so it is lush and healthy. Before you go buy the normal weed and feed for your lawn consider this...

Where do the herbicides go that don't get absorbed into your weeds?
They get tracked into your home or wash down into the sound waters.
They get on your pets feet and then are licked off.
They go to bed with your kids.
They end up in the air with your dust.

Pesticides and herbicides should be used like you spot clean clothes. Only if needed and only on the spot needed. You wouldn't clean your whole load of laundry with a spotter.

This year consider going natural with your yard care. Here are some resources to get you started.

Natural yard Care:
WSU Master Gardener information
Integrated Pest Management: or
Noxious weed control:
Pesticide safety and regulations:
Building healthy soil and erosion control:

Resource: Department of Ecology State of Washington:
Natural Yard Care
5 steps to make your piece the planet a healthier place to live

If you have any questions you are always welcome to contact me:

Wishing you a healthy and happy spring

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