Thursday, April 16, 2020

Wabi-Sabi and Virtual is very much alive and well

"Beauty can be coaxed out of ugliness

 Wabi-Sabi is ambivalent about separating beauty from non-beauty or ugliness...
Wabi-Sabi suggests that beauty is a dynamic event that occurs between you and something else.  

Beauty can spontaneously occur at any moment 
given the proper circumstances, context, or point of view.  

Beauty is thus an altered state of consciousness, 
an extradition moment of poetry and grace."  

                                                                          Leonard Koren
                                                     Wabi-Sabi for artists, designers, poets and philosophers

In the midst of COVID-19.. there are beautiful things happening.  We are thinking differently, coming together in ways that were thought impossible just a month ago.
Virtual concerts are one of those ways...
This is from the Berklee College of Music...

I know it's scary and hard out there.  We are all shaken out of our normal, our of our ruts, our habits.  We will get through this, and in the process we get to expand what is possible.

                  "Beauty can be coaxed out of ugliness"  Leonard Koren

                                          Denise Frakes
                                                Home and Life your service


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