Friday, October 5, 2018

First Thoughts and traveling Ideas

 When you are awakened or waken with an inspired thought- pay attention.  This may be a little thought wanting to have a voice.  It probably isn't your voice but a wise idea wanting to get legs.  It is testing the waters... will she/he listen or are they still asleep?

Elizabeth Gilbert talks about a Muse in her book: Big Magic. I love her thoughts on inspiration.  Inspiration isn't ours, it is little traveling ideas in search of a host. Ideas travel around looking for a kindly soul to help carry their messages to the world.  Creative genius is not our own brilliance, it is the wisdom and awareness of being a good listener.

When you have an inspired idea- Listen.  Take a moment and thank it for visiting.  This idea might be an idea for you or you may want to let it pass to another.  Not all thoughts that travel are ours for the taking you know.

The more open and receptive we are, the more thoughts will pop in.  It is an honor to be gifted with ideas.   It can also be a bit too much.  Not all thoughts are good matches for us.  Sometimes we don't have the energy to help it along.  Life is a choice.  Be thoughtful in how many ideas you are playing with and holding space for.

A few good "ideas" in caring for theses traveling thoughts:
 First and most importantly, pause your mind chatter and listen
 Always acknowledge these little traveling ideas, say thank you
 Welcome ideas and thoughts in for future visits.

A few days ago I had an early morning thought. I knew it was one I wanted play with and give space to grow.  I told myself through sleepy thoughts "Denise remember this in the morning".  And so I did. I love traveling thoughts.  My world is enriched by such thoughts.

Wishing you happy travels in your life today,
home and life coach at your service

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