Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Paleo Pancakes makes for a happy brain

A happy brain makes for a happy life...

One of my all time favorite meals is pancakes and fruit.  Over the years I started noticing an irritating cause and effect relationship between pancakes and my energy level.  Basically,  I would eat pancakes and in an hour I turned into a zombie.  I lost energy, my brain got all muddy and I was less than fun to be around. (was is the key word here)

I don't want to become a zombie but I still love pancakes.  A couple years ago, I found a recipe for what I call Paleo Pancakes.  It is mostly squash and eggs.  The best part is it tastes delish,  keeps my energy happy and gives me a nice little serving of veggies.

 I have made the below recipes a zillion different ways.  Recently I added beets, which turns the batter pin, a color my little 14 month old niece would love.   On a job, I will pack up a container of pancakes and eat them for snacks.  In the morning, when they are fresh off the grill I put top with a bit of coconut oil and fresh fruit.  These mock pancakes are easy, yummy and have great staying power!

 Hope you enjoy,

Paleo or Gluten free Pancakes 

    1 1/2 cups cooked butternut squash
    1/2 roasted beet
    1/2 gluten free flour - Trader Joe's brand
          grain free substitute: coconut flour or almond flour
    1/4 cup coconut milk- water or any other milk will also work
    Lots of chopped up pecans
    1/2 tsp baking soda, the soda is optional but it does make your cakes a little fluffier-

               (who doesn't like fluffy pancakes)
          Cloves, cinnamon and ginger powder
     7 eggs
     Coconut oil for cooking and topping pancakes
    Fresh fruit- for topping

   In a blender mix:  
       Squash, beets, eggs, flours, spices, milk, baking soda
  On a hot griddle pan- put a bit of coconut oil
       Pour on your pancake mix and add lots of pecans to the batter

  The other day I made a peanut butter sandwich from two pancakes- quite yummy

Pumpkin Pancakes
  Here is the original recipe:  

           from the Book Paleo Comfort Foods Pg 112

    4 large eggs
    4 large egg whites
    1 cup canned pumpkin
    1/2 cup almond flour
    1 tsp baking powder
    1/4 coconut milk
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    1/2 tsp nutmeg
    1 tsp cinnamon
    1/2 cup crushed pecans
      1-2 T butter or coconut oil

1.  Mix all ingredients in a large bowl except pecans.
2.  Heat a griddle or large skillet to medium heat and coat griddle/pan with butter or other fat source when hot
3.  From here, traditional pancake rules apply with a slight modification.  These will not bubbly like your traditional pancakes.  The batter is a bit thicker.  On medium heat the first side takes about 2-3 minutes to brown then another 1-3 minutes on the other sides.  

Variations-  They are fans of "adding a few chopped nuts on top of a freshly poured pancake.  You can also top a stack of these beauties with a few berries, or mix into the batter some finely chopped apples for a little sweetness.
                                                              Paleo Comfort Foods page 112

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