Friday, July 1, 2011

Turning the page

"Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen - that stillness becomes radiance"
Morgan Freeman

This quote comes from my office calendar. Today is the first of July and as my monthly tradition, it is also the day I get to turn the page to a new month. It is a simple thing, the changing of the calendar, but I love the first day of each new month. I flip my calendar. We have 3 calendars. July a new beginning, a fresh start and the second half of 2011. Each new month is a mini new year, full of promises and anticipation.

Last month, I traveled to AZ and helped family with the loss of my grandma. She was soon to be 97. The trip was not in my planner or even my consciousness but life moves and changes with certainty. It felt good to turn the page this morning, maybe because I lost my grandma or maybe because life seems a little more precious today. After the sadness and sorrow of June, this little tradition of a new start feels like a gift.

Morgan Freeman's quote on July was interesting. To cherish the day, should it be packed full of life or quite and still?

Wishing you a new month filled with relaxing moments, joyful surprises and sunshine filled days.


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