Friday, July 29, 2011

Running with Scissors and eating Chia Seeds

Dallas wants to name our next dog "Scissors". He will then be able to say " Denise is out running with scissors"! Running with scissors is kind of how I feel about my running. Over the past 20 plus years, my running has been a bit irksome. I have a calf muscle that has given me fits, it randomly cuts my runs short. Still, I never give up because not running would be an unknown thought in my head- it doesn't exist.

The sun is out and I'm running again. Last year when I walked 60 miles for the Susan G Komen 3 day, I learned the better my posture the healthier my body was. I even ran/walked the Seattle 1/2 marathon last fall -with no calf trouble at all! The lessons I learned while walking, I'm taking to running: good posture, effortless movement and body awareness. (I find if I keep my legs under my hips it takes the pressure off my calf!!)

Besides my form, I'm building strength and eating some new foods. Still, just like running with scissors-paying close attention when moving and eating is essential for good health.

This morning, we ate Chia Fresca. I first learned about this recipe from the book: Born to Run. It is made from Chia Seeds. Apparently, Chia seeds was a food used for endurance and health by the Tarahumara - the running people of Mexico. Some of it's many health benefits are: endurance and healthy energy, balance blood sugar, add fiber and nutrients!

The actual recipe I used was:

Chia Fresca
1 cup spring or filtered water
1 tablespoon chia seeds
2 teaspoons fresh lemon or lime juice
2 teaspoons agave nectar or honey

Whisk the chia seeds into the water and allow them to soak for 10-15 minutes. Stir in the lemon or lime juice and agave and whisk well. Drink Immediately. Makes 1 serving
This recipe comes from The Huffinton Post. Christina Pirello's wrote a blog called Change your life with Chia.

Will my healthy running posture and new food make my running as good as ice cream? Only time will tell, but the chia seeds were yummy and I love to run. It is so worth the risk of running with scissors!

Wishing you all a happy and healthy summer!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Turning the page

"Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen - that stillness becomes radiance"
Morgan Freeman

This quote comes from my office calendar. Today is the first of July and as my monthly tradition, it is also the day I get to turn the page to a new month. It is a simple thing, the changing of the calendar, but I love the first day of each new month. I flip my calendar. We have 3 calendars. July a new beginning, a fresh start and the second half of 2011. Each new month is a mini new year, full of promises and anticipation.

Last month, I traveled to AZ and helped family with the loss of my grandma. She was soon to be 97. The trip was not in my planner or even my consciousness but life moves and changes with certainty. It felt good to turn the page this morning, maybe because I lost my grandma or maybe because life seems a little more precious today. After the sadness and sorrow of June, this little tradition of a new start feels like a gift.

Morgan Freeman's quote on July was interesting. To cherish the day, should it be packed full of life or quite and still?

Wishing you a new month filled with relaxing moments, joyful surprises and sunshine filled days.
