Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Breathing 35 pounds of air a day!!!!

"On average you breathe about 24,000 times per day, moving about 10,000 gallons (or 35 pounds) of air in and out of your lungs. This is roughly equivalent to six time the weight of your daily food intake."
Bastyr University
Quote from Change your breath change your life
Upcoming class handout

Wow, that is a whole lot of breathing. Who knew?? I have always thought breath was most essential to our health because of where it falls as a priority of life. You can go about a month with no food, a few days with no water but how long can you go without breathing? See what I mean?

Recently, when I did the Susan G Komen, 60 mile walk, breathing was essential to my stamina, health and strength. Whenever, I want to relax I do deep breathing. In Kundalini yoga, my instructor teaches breathing techniques all the time. Of course, breathing is free, maybe that is why so much more time is focused on food or drinks. I don't know, but I think breathing is a fun study.

Bastyr University is having a continuing education class on November 20 from 9-5. It is open to the general public and the cost is $85.00/ person. I guess this isn't' free but probably worth attending, I'm currently considering it. If you are interested check out their web site at: www.bastyr.edu

Happy breathing,
Blue Sky Services

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