Friday, November 30, 2018

Quiet time- holiday life saver

My mom taught me a life enriching practice when I was little.
At the time she was a young wife, with 3 young kids.  I imagine she was feeling overwhelmed. To save her sanity my mom instilled what came to be known as quiet time.   After lunch, we all had to be quiet for 1 hour. My older brothers and I could pretty much could do anything we wanted, if we were quiet.  The only rules were: be quiet, stay inside and be safe. We didn't have to nap or do anything specific.   We were free to play and be.

My mom tells me, that first summer, we all balked at quiet time, but the next summer we asked for it.  Beyond, saving my mom's sanity, she says we were all happier and more at ease.  There was less bickering and irritable kids.

I'm all grown up and then some and yet I still crave quiet time.  Time to wonder, ponder, play, nap, run, sit and just be.  As we head into the holidays, you might like to add quiet time, the freedom to do nothing into your day too.  I usually give myself quiet time, first thing in the morning when the house is quiet and day hasn't got legs.

From our family to yours, may your holidays be happy, healthy and easy


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Thanksgiving day celebration for busy families

 Thanksgiving comes early at our house- we call it fake turkey day.  The second Saturday of November is our big day.  Three 8 foot folding tables and one ping pong table transform our living, kitchen into a giant eating space. Last Saturday, November 10th, we celebrated with 28 two legged family members and 2 four legged.

Since this holiday is still fresh in my thoughts, I thought I would reflect a bit and share those 20-20 hindsight tips to you

Reflecting on Thanksgiving a week later...

     Naps are beneficial no matter how old you are
     Go outside, walk or run around the neighborhood before company arrives
              Breathe! enjoy nature, look for beauty, get out of your own brain
     Welcoming your guest with warmth and happiness is better than a perfect house!
     Pre cooking the turkey and deboning it the day before turkey day is a huge de-stressor
             I would rather spend time chatting than messing with a turkey when I'm tired
     Having 28 people coming to your house is highly motivating to do extra cleaning and organizing
             ride this wave and get things done... hint: look at your home as if you are a guess
     Sharing the cooking around: Many hands make quick and easy work
     Eat dessert first, finish with tea and light foods
     Take a walk after dinner- it helps you unwind and improves your digestion
     A good nap, fresh air and light eating the next day is priceless!
And finally, consider scheduling your holidays on offbeat days.  More people can join you, there is less stress and more freedom in your celebrations.  We started this early tradition to help our family who was in retail. We continue it because it is brilliant!!!

From our home to yours- Happy Thanksgiving,