Two simple questions from one powerful perspective...
When you are searching
for an answer or trying to decide your best next step ask first...
First ask yourself...
Does it give me
energy? Do you fill lighter, expansive energized
with a yes or no answer?
Does it deplete me? Do you feel heavy, overwhelmed, confined
with a yes or no answer?
Perfect! Next...
Think of yourself as a
wise and happy elder. Content and all-knowing
at the end of your life. Ask this future you these same
arrive in this beautiful, wise and contented place looking back on my whole
Will this _?__ support me or deplete me to where I want to
be in the long run.
Clutter clearing, and
downsizing is a spiritual journey. Doing it from a place of great wisdom
is a game changer.
We are blessed
with options and abundance in our world. Sometimes too much muddles our
own path. Taking time to ask a couple simple questions is priceless.
Wishing you clarity on
your path. No one knows what this path better than you!