Tuesday, February 27, 2018

5 ways to turn your cleaning chore into a playful practice

Oh to be three and think cleaning is play...

The other day my sister sent me this photo of my niece cleaning.  She loves to clean.  In her little 3 year old wisdom, there is no distinction between playing house and actually cleaning house.  It is all play and discovery to her.  Does she sense cleaning shifts her home's energy and makes her surroundings feel better?  I wonder.  It doesn't matter it's still play

Cleaning is a life long activity.... Doesn't it make sense we should make friends with our life chore?  Maybe even turn cleaning into a life enhancing practice??? hmmm well, wouldn't that be something ??;-)  

Below are 5 tips to make cleaning fun and your life better in the process!

1.  Pretend you are three.  Seriously, let go of your brain and tap into that magical brain of a three year old.  Present, curious and innocent.  Your adult brain with thank you!

2.  Crank up some music, open up windows, wear something comfortable and yet flattering and dance, sing and play as you clean- cleaning is excellent exercise.  

3.  Improve your cleaning skills.  Become an expert in easy, simplified, effective, healthy cleaning.  Master your cleaning don't let it master you!

4.  Shift your mindset.  Cleaning shifts energy.  Cleaning is part of space clearing and rebooting your spaces.  Soil and clutter are stuck energies, low level energies.  By cleaning you create healthy flow and a nourished space for your family to thrive.  Notice how your feel before you clean and after- cleaning is good for the soul!

5.  Use cleaning as time to breathe.  A moving meditation.  Breathe and move thoughtfully No time to meditate... No worries.  Think wax on wax off.  Set your timer, shut off all electronics and mindfully go about your play.

If you want to up your skills as a cleaning, contact me.  For 26 plus years, I have owned a professional cleaning company, coached clutter clearing and taught residue free cleaning.  There is no need to travel your whole life dreading a daily chore. Make friends and move along.

As always, I wish you happy and healthy travels,

Friday, February 23, 2018

Uncluttered: A place to rest - space to breathe

I have an amazing friend who is a quilting genius.  She looks at quilting not as a hobby but as a form of art.  An expression of what she sees and loves in this world.  The other day we were looking at one of her quilts. She explained the solid color between the blocks and round the border is to give your eye's a place to rest.  hmmm.

Our lives are like quilts,  There needs to be a place for our bodies, minds and spirits to rest.  If our schedules are too full, our houses and lives filled with too much we feel heavy and tight.  We can't breathe, we can't rest, we smile less, our spirits get heavy.

By clearing your clutter, opening up your life for space to breathe, we relax. Our lives start to move and flow.  It is the space between the notes that creates music- same as quilts and same as our lives.

           As always, I wish you happy travels,

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Are your New Year resolutions starting to fade?

What do you love so deeply that you would be willing to dedicate 1000 days toward its growth? 

About this time of the year our New Year's resolutions start losing their zest.  If we aren't careful by next December they will become a regret.

Life gets cluttered.  Before we know it, the quiet clarity we felt in January gets blurry from the bright lights and endless requests of life.

Take a minute to be quiet- very still.  Go back to the vision you had when you passionately wanted to create change in your life.  How did you feel?  Do you still want that change?  How will you feel next December if it doesn't happen?

Are you still hungry for that vision to become a reality? If the answer is yes....

1.  Look at your goal- break it into bite sized pieces, next steps to take.  Work in two week segments on your bite sized pieces.  Always be moving on the next step.

2.  Get an accountability buddy or hire a coach to support you and help keep you focused, excited and moving forward.

3.  Make sure your goals are clear. Work on one goal at a time.  It is better to master one life changing goal than to chase 100 chickens around the barnyard.

4.  Goals are like baby plants.  They need extra TLC until they have deep roots.

As always I wish you happy and joyful travels on your path.  If you find you need a walking friend to keep you moving forward... give me a call.  253-815-0446