Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Where cleaning is a game and mud puddles are for jumping in

Most people think because I clear clutter and owned a restoration cleaning company that I'm one of those super tidy, home always immaculate kind of gals....nope!  The thought does makes me smile though.

I don't care if you have dust bunnies or a full house. I do care if your eyes sparkle.  I care you live in a healthy space.  I care you are surrounded by that which gives you joy. I care that you feel loved and connected. I care there is space for you to thrive.  This is what I care about.

Perfect homes don't exist.  I love simple imperfect spaces.  I love homes that are unique, authentic, easy, effortless, funny, bright and full of fresh air.  I love families that love easily, love endlessly and love openly.

When I coach simplicity and de-cluttering,  I'm not looking for imperfections.  I'm looking for what gives you radiance and vibrancy.  I'm looking for those juicy parts of your life that need TLC.  I look to see you.  Sometimes we just need to clean off a bit of life's residue. The real you- your essence is always present.  The gift of what I do is to create space for you to breathe.

When I think of residue free living, I think of my niece.  At three years old, there isn't much life residue or clutter build up.  She thinks cleaning is a game, dandelions are beautiful and jumping in mud puddles fun.

wishing you inspired living, work and homes

Monday, May 1, 2017

Heartfelt work Brings Beauty

When I read something that lights me up I need to share.  This spring John O Donohue's passage called Heartful Work Brings Beauty did it for me again!!

"When you consider it, the world of your action and activity is a very precious world.
  What you do should  be worthy of you;
 it should be worthy of your attention and dignity, and conform to your respect for yourself.
  If you can love what you do, then you will do it beautifully.
 You might not love your work at the beginning;
  yet the deeper side of your soul can help you bring the light of love to what you do.
  Then, regardless of what you do, you will do it in a creative and transforming way."

                                                                                                Anam Cara
                                                                                               The book of Celtic Wisdom
                                                                                                   John, O'Donohue

This spring, I think I have recited this little gem to every group or person I worked with!!  Because if we can learn to love our work, no matter what it is, it will transform our lives!!

                   Just a thought,