Friday, March 31, 2017

Can your chores bring you joy?

Do you smile when you wash dishes, dance when you dust, hum as you pay bills?  Last night I was giving a talk on how to make friends with cleaning.  As I was chatting I realized it isn't cleaning that is the problem- it is our relationship with cleaning, our habits and belief that causes the irksomes.  What we think about cleaning or any chore will decide our fate.

As I type this blog, my joy is palatable.  I'm on fire to play with shifting our relationships with chores to ones that will support and lift us up.  Imagine driving to work singing to the radio- with a big old smile on your face.  Mowing the lawn - drenched in the smells of spring.  Scrubbing toilets as a deep meditation... the possibilities are endless.  I love this so much I can't wait to play myself.  Next bill paying session is going to be spectacular!  My cleaning day is going to rock!  And my grocery shopping a trip in curiosity!!

I've played with this idea for years but last night lightening struck!  I get it.  I'm going to play with it.  I will share it and it is going to change the world!  HA!

Today, pick something you are dreading.  Taxes, dentist, washing your socks, plucking eyebrows, brushing your teeth- anything... Create space to play in your thoughts.  A little spark is all you need for a fire to start.

Comment below- tell me what you are going to do to change your world!  One chore at a time!!

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Today: slightly spicy with sweet overtones

The sun is shining.  The wind is blowing.  I ate lemon, chia seed pound cake with my 3 year old niece this morning.  For lunch my hubby and I tried a new Korean restaurant and had radish soup.  It tasted like a clear potato soup.

This afternoon Lauren came over to practice my talk for her upcoming Synergy Talks.  I will add in some of my experiences with cows and kittens.  After our practice we chatted about giving talks, love and life.

After my hubby gets done giving a sound bath/singing bowl treatment I'm going to see if he wants to go for a run in the woods.

This is life.  This is my life today.  The spring flowers are starting to bloom.

I wonder, will I remember the sweetness of this day or the moments in between?  There are always moments in-between.  Those moments range in flavor from spicy, savory, bitter, salty to bland.    

When I write life feelings in terms of flavors- they all are needed in the dish.  Which flavors do I notice?  Which ones will I remember?  Do I like complicated or simple flavors?

This blog is three blogs in one.  That's what I'm going with today. 
       Notice the sweetness of the day, look for new flowers and think of the day's moments as of flavors and not judgements.

             Sat nam;-)

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Synergy Talks 2017! Coming to Seattle March 29- April 2nd

Hi All,
    I would like to introduce you to a friend of mine Lauren Hrusak.  I met her through my coach training.  Have you ever met someone who lights up a room?  She was sharing in class the other day and it was as if she was also conducting an orchestra.
   Over the past 8 years of blogging I believe this is my first introduction post.  Way to long in coming but today I was inspired.
   Lauren has created an event in Seattle called Synergy talks.  She created it much like the Ted talks.  There will be multiple speakers, speaking for only about 13 minutes followed by 10 of discussion.  Lauren has gathered some amazing speakers which I can't wait to hear!
  You can learn more later in this post but I wanted to share with you what inspired her create such an event.  We need more Lauren's in the world.  Come catch the buzz of energy!!!  (scroll down to register)

"I had a vision of Synergy back in the summer of 2014.
I was working I job I hated and wondering why everyone around me (including myself) had forgotten about their dreams and was just so damn unhappy.
All of sudden I saw an image of a group of people gathered together to discuss their goals and dreams. It would be a personal growth and development group. A community, a tribe, a family that supported and uplifted one another. I realized the three common ingredients to achieving a goal:
1. A deadline.

2. Accountability.
3. The support of others.

What if I could create something that could foster those ingredients?
That's precisely when Synergy was born. I thought no one would be interested in joining a group like that so I kept my idea to myself for many months until I launched the group in January 2015.
When Synergy first launched it was only supposed to be about setting individual goals in a group setting, but my brother, Brent Hruska encouraged me to deliver a recent blog post as a speech to kick off the group.
So I did.
I delivered a speech with the message of the importance of believing in yourself as absolutely paramount to achieving anything. From that month on and every month after I gave a talk based on a prominent theme in my life.
So, after giving more than 15 talks the past two and a quarter years I figured I could share some of them with the public, and thus Synergy Talks! was born.
Thank you for saying "yes," to opening your mind and experiencing a shift.
About Synergy:
Synergy is a collection of goal setting individuals.
Through the positive and encouraging community fostered by Synergy, group members are inspired to achieve their goals, no matter how big or small.
Synergy functions as a support system, a motivating network, and a loving family.
What is Synergy's purpose?
1. To ignite within us a renewed enthusiasm for life.

2. To experience inspired transformation.
3. To foster positive momentum in our lives and the lives of others.

The five tenants of Synergy
1. We only speak positively toward and about others.

2. We support each other.
3. We uplift each other.
4. We inspire each other.
5. We believe in one another and most importantly ourselves."

Lauren Hruska

Lauren brings exactly what she says!  This is the first Synergy event- Lets support her and her vision.

Click here to register for the Synergy Talks

I'm honored to be one of the presenters on April 2nd.  I'm excited to get to share in this event and to be there and enjoy!!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Open your heart... Meet Il Volo

Do you feel tight?  Do you want to feel rich, full and open?  One of my beloved clients/friends has introduced me to Il Volo or as she refers to them as "the boys"
  When we work together my friend plays "the boys" on her stereo.  Their voice expands your heart.  They expand my heart. I feel rich, full and expanded. Life gets easier.  I wish this for you...

                               Today give your heart a little gift,

To expand your heart click here and meet "the boys"

This is a YouTube video- there is a very short commercial first- please click skip add
The music is well worth the effort!!